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Runkelstein Castle is one of the jewels among the castle in the area of Bolzano.

The Castle rises high on a porphyry outcrop at the entrance of the romantic Sarntal valley and has finally reopened after many years of restoration. The Nikolaus and Franz Vintler, who originated from a well-established, wealthy and merchant family of Bolzano, commissioned all paintings on the walls of the castle. The medieval world of daily living, hunting scenes, tournaments, dance and plays with a ball besides some parts of medieval literary work, are mirrored in those sets of most precious secular frescoes of the Middle Ages. It has been a surprise that most of the collection survived in a very good condition, and therefore, restoration had to be done only partially.

The original tavern has re-opened in the courtyard of Runkelstein Castle. It is possible to dine here on local delicacies and wine produced from home-grown grapes. There is a dining area in the tavern and also in the courtyard where, surrounded by ancient stonework you can become enchanted by the magic and the history of this romantic and tranquil place.

See below for further information about visits or guided tours of this Medieval castle. We look forward to sharing a wonderful experience with you.  

Good bye and we hope to see you at Castle Runkelstein.


Opening hours

20th April to 14th June -

15th June to 30th September -

1st October to 29th October / Tuesday - Sunday - 10.00 - 18.00

Monday closed


Tickets price


Family card

Groups (min. 10 persons)


Reduced (students, seniors, military)

Tour operator

Guided tour

L. 10.000 - Euro 5.16

  L. 20.000 - Euro 10.32

L.  6.000 - Euro 3.10

L.  2.000 - Euro 1.03

L.  6.000 - Euro 3.10

L.  5.000 - Euro 2.58

L.  5.000 - Euro 2.58


Information and reservation


Castle  -  Grüne Nummer : 800210003 (only Italy) \ 0471 329808


Office  -  Tel. : 0039 0471 329844 - Fax : 0039 0471 324026


Tavern  -  Tel. : 0039 0471 324073





How to reach the castle

Runkelstein Castle can be reached by car or by bus (n. 12), or by taking our shuttle-bus (especially handicapped people - who can also dispose of an elevator to reach the showrooms of the exhibition). If you would like to walk or to go by bike up to the castle, you can follow the path starting from the town centre, Waltherplatz, going along the footpath next to the Talver river. You'd really enjoy it.










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Homepage created by Vincenzo Sagnotti  -  -   April 2000